Puddle Duck Preschool
A Ministry of Colby United Methodist Church
Amy Jennings, Director
Puddle Duck Preschool enrollment takes place each spring for the next school year, but the staff are happy to answer any questions about enrollment any time of the year. Each school year begins in September and ends in May. Both morning and afternoon classes are available for the 3/4 year old class and the 4/5 year old class.
Please contact Amy Jennings, Puddle Duck Preschool Director, at (785)460-2603 for more information on tuition, enrollment, and to answer any other questions.

Educational Philosophy
Puddle Duck Preschool is dedicated to fostering the development of young children, 3 to 5 years of age. We offer a nurturing, safe environment and age appropriate curriculum that will promote the social, cognitive, emotional, physical, and spiritual development of young children in a Christian environment.
Parent Involvement
We strongly encourage parent involvement in our program and there will be opportunities for you to volunteer throughout the year! Children love to have their parents come! (and teachers appreciate the help!)